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Strategies the Enhance the Quality of Action

I call this interchange The Cycle of Action. it’s instrumental in our development as a person. In Cycle of Action lies the secret of enhancing the Quality of Action and developing what I call Unstoppable Power. The ability to change things in your environment is a skill and imprints itself as low-level patterns in the mind. […]

Strategies the Enhance the Quality of Action (Intro)

Your life is shaped by the actions that you perform in your life. Your mind creates the strategies and ideas but it’s the actions themselves that produce the results. it’s the actions that affect and change your environment. On so many levels your mind is aware of this. The mind processes things in terms of […]

Making Lasting Changes

In self-help, there exists a multitude of skills to make manifests the dreams that you have in your life. The vast majority of these centers around some type of visualization or mental projection to make the desired changes upon your life in your environment. Many people who have tried these programs may have become disappointed […]

Controlling Thinking

This is the eternal pursuit of many self-help programs. Everyone is trying to find the fundamental solution for making things happen in their lives. Have you ever wondered why some systems take root with certain people while for others they don’t? Yes, perhaps it has something to do with the quality of thinking in either […]

Setting up a self-guided program

In advanced programs, a guide is almost essential. However, finding a guide that is qualified and will fit with you is extremely challenging. I discuss the reasons for this later in the third book of this series The Unstoppable Power Workout. Most of you will not need a guide in beginning Finding Your Center programs. […]

Centering through movement

Every movement we do and body position we hold evokes a different state of mind. This is due partly to social images developed through years of social education and development. It is also partly due to the physiology of the body. Each posture we hold in the body evokes subtle changes in our minds. The […]

The Misconceptions of Meditation

In the old days when I taught meditation, I would sometimes be called an agent of the devil and some were concerned that meditation would be a sin against their faith. Today most educated people understand that meditation is not a threat to them in any way. Yes, public conscious towards meditation and mind-body activities […]

Meditation for Centering

Meditation is another effective and common Centering tool. It generally is more introspective than breathing skills and can allow you to deepen your Centering state and enhance the effects. Some beginners may have difficulty with it because they are unused to being so sedated for very long. I generally recommend people begin with Centered Breathing […]

Centering within space

An equally important attribute of Centering is its ability to develop your sense of self within space. In other words, your sense of who you are in context to the confusion around you. Once again, it comes down to the very innate physiological aspects of the human body. In order to gain a better sense […]

When should you Center?

You should center on a periodic and regular basis in order to benefit over the long term. I suggest three to five minutes of sessions, several times a day. Begin by setting a manageable pace for yourself and then build on it. It is better to do shorter sessions consistently than longer sessions inconsistently. Where […]

Centering Technique Compared to the Results

At its core Centering is quite simple. There is however some confusion associated with it. First, the technique is often confused with the result. Centering can be achieved in a multitude of different ways. People quite frequently associated it with meditation. Meditation can be a very powerful form of Centering however, meditation is a means […]

The enigma of life

Note: Excerpt for “Finding Your Center” book The reality that surrounds, us is much more than just a collection of patterns.  Although patterns exist everywhere in nature the fundamental reality of the forces at surrounds us have very little to do with pattern. In fact, the fundamental reality of life has more to do with […]

Your Perception and Your Reality

Note: Excerpt for the book “Finding Your Center” Our perception of reality is very much an interactive or interpretive process. Many studies have been run in this area in recent years.  It is well-known now that people’s perception is painted to a large degree by their personality’s dispositions and states of mind. Self-mastery (A system […]

Everything in life is made up of Pattern

Excert for the book “Finding Your Center” Everything in the mind and body and indeed most things in the world are made up of the pattern. However, the universe itself is permanent and ever-changing. It is these two opposite forces that at once make up the diversity and wonder of life and also create the […]

What is Centering?

Note: This is an excerpt from the book “Finding Your Center.” Today we will talk about Centering. What is it, how to use it and why it is essential in all our lives. It will give you simple tools you can use to control your mind and body at an elemental level. Centering is a […]

Cognitive thought as our Logical thinking mind

I have been a business consultant and life coach for many years. Through my experiences in helping countless people increase their professional and personal effectiveness that I have come to realize the key to real success. It comes down to, not “What” we’re doing but “How” we’re doing it. Most often, what hinders success and […]

Development, Change and Quality of Thinking

As a business consultant and a life coach, I have observed this same scenario many times, with a range of different clients. Both in business and as a life coach working with individuals, I use a unique approach that increases the effectiveness of individuals and organizations by modifying the way they do things. Most of […]

Do you Live Consciously?

Many people live a life of quiet desperation. They just go with the flow, join the herd. Their only reward for living this way is that they are able to avoid trouble and live a comfortable life. After all, isn’t it torture to go through the same routine 365 days a year and don’t know […]

A Short Guide To Slowing Down

Slowing down takes dedication. In our busy world, slowing down can feel like swimming upstream. The good news is, we can get better at it. We can create new habits just by committing to do the smallest amount, daily. If you are new to the slow philosophy, often starting to slow down can be thoroughly […]

Everything that surrounds us was created by the mind Part 2

Let us go back to the child now; remember the one in the crib. The child slowly begins to associate values and properties to different object through experience. He/she learn to distinguish between the forms that move and pick him/her up to offer comfort. He/she learns that the round bottle means the pain in the […]

Everything that surrounds us was created by the mind Part 1

Buddhist teaching tells us that everything that surrounds us was created by the mind. This theory is perhaps a little hard to understand and believe for most people. Most people can, however, agree that all things created by mankind came from the mind of some individual or group of individuals. The devices we use; the […]

Visualization & Fantasizing

What is the difference between visualizing and fantasy? This is quite simply the same as the difference between fantasy and reality.  The internal properties of the spirit are always the same as the external properties of the world it lives in. How can it be any different they are both made of the same elements […]

Performing action and our perceived reality

Action is essential to all things in the universe. It is an integral part of our reality. It is a link with our reality. Because we are corporal as well as spiritual in nature we can not escape this. We are a part of the universe that we live in and in this way we […]

Meditation, movement and states of mind

Every movement we do and body position we hold evokes a different state of mind.  This is due partly to social images developed through years of social education and development.  It is also partly due to the physiology of the body. Each posture we hold in the body evokes subtle changes in our mind. The […]

Awareness and Conflict Handling

The first step in resolving any dispute is always being aware of the forces involved in the conflict. No matter how good a system or technique is, it will not work if the present situation does not call for it. Your degree of awareness will determine how clearly you can assess the present situation. It […]

Meditation and soft forms

I have heard Tai Chi described as a dance.  This is perhaps not the best description to use for it. I shall attempt in this document to describe it and what it is used for. To begin let us look at meditation. What is meditation and why do people meditate? Meditation Meditation is a natural part […]

What is Centering?

When I was in college I went through a stage where I wanted to very much stay true to my beliefs… well, at least what I thought my beliefs were at the time. I remember going to parties and getting into drunken conversations. During these conversations, I vehemently and unrelentingly defended my views against the […]

Meditation: Taking control of your environment

The goal of the seminar we offer is to give people a deeper understanding of awareness During conflict. It is not meant to expose people to Taoist principles. It is rather meant to allow them to experience awareness of themselves and their environment at a fundamentally deeper level than usual. It is also designed to give […]

How do we go about recognizing and mastering our state of mind or the quality of our thinking?

Years ago, I remember watching a  television commercial. In the advertisement, an overweight person signs up for a membership at a health club.  He then goes into the gym runs around the room once, waves his arms a few times, and jumps on the scale.  He is disappointed that he has not lost a significant […]