What I discovered in coaching individual and business for a good part of my life is that almost everyone has a critical need to gain greater clarity of mind.
This book will talk about Centering. What is it, how to use it and why it is essential in all our lives. It will give you simple tools you can use to control of your mind and body at an elemental level.
Centering is a fundamental property of everyone and we all use it even if most are not aware that they are. It is as essential as breathing. In fact, it can be directly accessed by breathing if the breathing is performed in the proper way.
Many know Centering as mindfulness although I will not describe it as such because the mindfulness term is overused and often describes a multitude of things in ambiguous ways. The myriad descriptions often cause more confusion than they do clarity.
I adopted the term Centering many years ago to describe a fundamental property of the body that is so much a part of all of us that we often disregard it. However, It does without a doubt govern almost every aspect of our mind and body and has profound implications on our progress through life.