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Note: Excerpt for “Finding Your Center” book
The reality that surrounds, us is much more than just a collection of patterns. Although patterns exist everywhere in nature the fundamental reality of the forces at surrounds us have very little to do with pattern. In fact, the fundamental reality of life has more to do with change than with the static illusion of patterns.
The tissue within our bodies is replenished and changes periodically. The atoms that make up the things that surround us and our bodies are in a constant state of movement and interchange. The atoms that made up your body last year no longer reside there. They have been swapped many times over for others.
So, there you have the enigma of our perceived reality. On the one hand we exist in the universe whose only real constant changes. Yet we are made up and down to a large degree of static patterns. Although this is not within the scope of this book I will say that the key to gaining more control over our lives is woven in this enigma.
This is not only a philosophical concept. New theories on quantum physics seem to define matter has to have an undefined state until it is interpreted by the observer.
- Are you the same person that you were last year?
- Indeed, are you the same person you were 10 minutes ago?
- Do you act the same way with your spouse as you do with your boss?
Your body, your mind, your character, everything that makes you who you are is in a constant state of change. So, what is it that you are?
Almost all the entities and objects that surround us are ruled and held together by patterns. We know that DNA determines our identity. It is also known that DNA not only encompass our identity but also the identity of our evolutionary line going back all the way to the dawn of the origin of species.
So, what does all this have to do with the mind and enhancing our control over it?
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